The Problem With Excessive CRM Features

I am not saying that features are bad. Features can be great – even fantastic – as long as they provide value.

By now everyone has seen the feature comparison charts with all the checks by the item – the other guys always have fewer features – ever noticed that?

Back in the “old days” of the mid ’90s when software for personal computers was really heating up, there were continual feature “wars.” Everyone bought into the value of features because no one knew better back then.

Sometimes software companies offer free versions with limited features or they offer programs for a small price but with limited features.

In these situations you don’t know the value of the features until you are already using the software, which can be very frustrating.

Some SaaS programs try to up-sell you on buying more features every time you login creating a situation where users fiddle with features they don’t need, trying to make sense of them when they could be doing productive work.

The bottom line is that features should be relevant to business objectives. Features should support business goals and improve businesses processes and procedures.

A feature’s value is relevant to the situation that it is intended to address. It could be worth a lot, a little or nothing.

People often fall into the trap of making software purchase decisions based on features. They think that one day they may have a need for those features. In the majority of cases however they never do use those features because they find it impossible to figure out how to apply them to their day to day business.

Another trap people fall into is that they believe that the features they need everyone else needs too. This could not be further from the truth. Every single business is different. Even businesses in the same industry operate differently.

Recently I was introduced to a software program that had a serious case of “featuritis.” The company didn’t want to sell this “feature-rich” software anymore because the companies who bought it couldn’t get their people to use it. The users still preferred Outlook – it was easier.

It is tempting to fall for feature comparison charts though. I fall for them myself but catch myself and consider what the need is and what features will support getting the specific job done.

By refusing to get caught up in how many features a software has its easier to focus on the problem that is being solved and the necessary features to solve that problem.

Next time you find yourself falling for a software program with “featuritis,” ask:

    1. How will I use this feature in my business?
    2. What business process or procedure will this feature support?
    3. Will my people be able to integrate this feature into their day to day work?
    4. Am I paying extra for this feature?

The right number and type of features can support an organization’s increased efficiency. Put features in their place and you will find that it is easy to use CRM software after all!

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