Is email standing in the way of your CRM Success?

Every day we talk to business people who wonder how a CRM can support their efforts to get organized. We sense that many are dazed and bewildered as to how things became so chaotic in their businesses.

To us its not surprising at all… Mail-Timed Delivery-2

For two decades, we have been hearing the same story. Businesses want to get organized, streamline processes, reduce redundancies and duplication of effort, protect business intelligence and centralize operations.

The question is “are they prepared to do what it takes to achieve these goals and objectives?”

The situation that many businesses are facing today is frankly increasing dire due to the compounding inefficiencies in daily transactions.

Why is this? There are many factors of course but one that is easiest to conquer is our email dependency.

So the question is: are we ready to give up this dependence on email for every aspect of our daily business transactions, and instead see it for what it really is – an inbound mail box and meeting manager.

A CRM system brings the structure and collaborative opportunities that businesses need to enable the sharing of information, leveraging of team efforts, developing of best practices, refining of processes and improvement of methodologies. The cycle is repeated until the business operates like a finely tuned engine.

Recently, I asked one of our CRM prospects how they managed their tasks and they said “my Inbox”. I knew at that moment that they had a very bad case of “email dependency”. I also knew that the situation would become increasing difficult for this person to manage as more and more things would slip through the cracks. But worse, the company was not maximizing their investment in the person’s daily efforts.

It is important to make CRM as easy as possible when people are first shaking off their dependency on email.

Giving up any dependency is not easy. It takes effort and commitment. Once organizations realize what is standing in the way of CRM Success they can overcome and begin to take advantage of the many benefits an easy CRM like SharePoint Flex can deliver.

Next we will talk about scalability and what it means to your CRM success.

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